Employment Support for Adults

Job Shop is the central hub of the Southwest Partnership employment continuum, a program of Common Wealth and Joining Forces for Families. Neighbors, volunteers, job seekers, students, social service professionals, and neighborhood center staff come together every week to meet area residents and work together.

Holistic Approach Makes Job Shop Different

Job Shop is a hub where community members can speak directly to a Common Wealth Employment specialist about the full spectrum of their concerns related to getting and maintaining a job. Employment specialists, volunteers, students, social service professionals, and neighborhood center staff collaborate with job seekers to address resume development, housing concerns, daycare acquisition, and more. 

This voluntary service is an opportunity for face-to-face, one-on-one support for people trying to find work. The goal of all providers is to create a caring environment and offer ongoing support for individuals. Many people come to address immediate concerns and others show up weekly and connect with the additional programming available. 


Job Shop happens every Wednesday from 9 AM to 1 PM and is located at the Meadowood Neighborhood Center. All job seekers are welcome to attend and receive individualized support towards their employment goals.


Job Shop support services include:

  • Madison Writing Assistance offers resume development support
  • Staff help participants complete online job applications
  • Staff assist participants apply for public benefits and programs
  • A Joining Forces for Families social worker attends and offers additional support and resource referral on a wide range of issues that affect job seekers and their families.
  • Children’s Wisconsin staff can provide guidelines for navigating childcare services


Common Wealth staff are on hand every Wednesday to connect directly with individuals, volunteers, and other community stakeholders. 

For more information

To learn more about the Southwest Partnership and adult employment development, contact Kari Alston at (608) 516-5332 or