$25 Plant the Seed

When you plant a seed, you can start someone on their employment journey. Your donation would be equivalent to providing a gas card for an adult to get to work or acquiring necessary materials for youth to be ready for their first day on the job.

$50 Water the Seed

When you water the seed you help provide the comfort and ease someone feels as they walk into their new apartment. Your donation would be equivalent to small repairs and appliance upgrades that make our affordable housing healthy and environmentally efficient.

$100 Sprout

A donation of $100 will help to build a foundation for adults who face significant barriers to acquiring or sustaining long-term employment. Your donation would be equivalent to providing clothes for someone re-entering the workforce after incarceration.

$200+ Grow

The growth of a garden is only possible through consistent, loving care. When you contribute at this level, your donation helps our work to be more sustainable for our community long term.