Beth Welch studied Behavioral Science and Law at UW-Madison, Early Childhood Education at MATC, and Supervisory Leadership at UW Green Bay. She has worked for nineteen years as a Community Support Coordinator at Options in Community Living in Madison, Wisconsin. She is passionate about volunteering for nonprofit organizations that have person-centered missions and values. Advocating for equity and accessibility is her calling. Beth loves living in a cohousing community with her husband and son. In 2022, she helped plan the National Cohousing Association Conference in Madison. Previously, she served on the PTO, the Green Schoolyard Committee, and the Community School Committee of her son’s elementary school. Beth is currently the Vice President of the Board for her library and condominium association. Beth received The “North Star Award” for community building in 2019 and the “Backyard Hero Award” for volunteering in 2024. Beth enjoys gardening, baking, and thrifting, but she lives her best life as a winning Yahtzee player. Beth joined the Common Wealth Development Board because she strongly believes in their mission to provide safe & affordable housing and equitable economic development. She also wants to support Common Wealth staff as they build strong & meaningful relationships with their residents, businesses, students, and stakeholder agencies. Beth currently serves as the Secretary of the Board for Common Wealth Development.